SRC Driver Training - CPC Periodic Training Course Delivery Audit Report

SRC Driver Training - CPC Periodic Training Course Delivery Audit Report continued:

The trainer used a simple PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) to support his delivery and also used DVD Video, a trainer manual (Tutor Notes) and a VOSA leaflet entitled HGV Driver 'Staying Legal' as well as photocopies of completed defect reports for each trainee. The PPT was a good mix of text to graphics which included photographs of areas to check on a vehicle. The centre provides good facilities at this site conducive to meet the learning and welfare needs of the trainees. Toilets were adjacent to the building and drink making equipment was in another portakabin located above the training room which is where lunch was delivered. Course management, and document control was very good.

A thorough ID/Licence check had been completed using a specific form that met all the requirements as detailed in the best practice guidelines example. Details had been captured and confirmed by trainee and trainer signature for all 16 drivers. The form used confirmed the date, correct course name and number, actual start (07:45) and timings for breaks (11:00 to 11:15 & 12:40 to 13:10) and was awaiting completion by the trainer. All the trainees had signed to confirm their name and attendance.

All evidence collected from course observations, interviews with the trainees and with the trainer, and from a review of course documentation would support a conclusion that the attendance time requirement
would be met.

The trainer demonstrated very good subject knowledge of the course content specifically regarding effective pre trip checks and construction and use issues. Good examples for this were seen when he described the repercussions of not checking air leaks and what issues might affect a successful outcome to an MOT inspection. He was also able to provide examples of cost and time of ineffective pre trip checks and maintenance.

The trainer used a lot of questions, to both assess and challenge the drivers, some of which were embedded in the course PPT. Questions noted included;

When do we inspect our vehicles?

What equipment do you think you need to be able to conduct an effective check?

Why do we inspect?

What do you use to record your daily walk round checks?

If you have a red one on there (wheel nut indicator) what does it mean?

There was regular discussion of the course content during the session observed. Most of this was facilitated by the trainer who questioned the trainees and asked them for their ideas and experiences. A good example of this was seen when he asked them all if they kept a written record of their daily walk round checks. He also suggested that the drivers look closely at the VOSA DVD entitled Check It Out to try to spot errors and areas that could be improved upon as far is pre trip check accuracy was concerned. At this point all the trainees were observed making assessment type comments about the video.

The trainer stood for most of the session observed and used a strong, clear voice. He used humorous stories to make specific learning points with a good example being when he described a time when a driver demonstrated a repeated failure to conduct effective wheel nut checks. He was enthusiastic about the course content especially when ensuring that the trainees understood the legal requirements to conduct and record effective pre trip checks.

Assessment was satisfactory. The trainer regularly asked the drivers attending whether they had any questions and was observed clarifying any issues and answering their questions. Two good examples of this were seen when one driver asked about who was at fault for a fatal incident involving a colleague and also when another asked him to clarify why writing 'Nil Defects' all the time was ineffective as a practice.

Feedback forms were seen prepared for the end of the course proper. The forms captured evaluations of pre course activities, course content, participation and whether the course met the trainees learning needs. Certificates of Attendance were completed, ready for the end of the course proper, by the trainers administration assistant. A review found that the certificate met all the requirements as detailed in the best practice guidelines example with the correct course name, CRS number, centre name and AC number, date and duration and was signed off by the centre manager/trainer.

In summary, this was an effective example of periodic training designed and delivered to meet the requirements for the Driver CPC. It was effectively managed and there was a clear auditable trail to demonstrate compliance to the requirements and, as a result, there were no action points or
opportunities for improvement given.

Posted on July 1st 2014

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